
They are just little people

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I think sometimes we forget that our children are human.  We treat them more like a project that has a deadline.  Suzanne’s mom used to say, “They are just little people.”  That is so true.  

Even the little guys have feelings and emotions that we can damage.  We think it’s silly how the three-year-old is reacting to us taking his toy away but that hurt is very real to the little guy.  We may make fun of our teenager who is “in love” because we know that it will not last.   But to that teenager it is the most important thing in their lives.  Even if we understand the big picture better, we still need to understand how important this event is to them.  

The more we can see it through their eyes, the better parents we are.

Today as you interact with your children let two thoughts guide you:

  1. See them as little people.  
  1. See life through their eyes.  

Practical parenting is not just about learning new methods. It’s about seeing parenting situations differently and responding differently. When we see our kids as little people we start to understand their motives and desires. Parenting becomes less about the battle for control and more about connecting with their hearts.  

Just try it today. See life through their eyes. Take a step back and try to understand them before you react to them. Talk to them like they are real people instead of talking down to them.  

You will see your kids respond better. You will have more wisdom in your parenting actions. You will have less conflict and more agreement and compliance. Treat them like little people and watch parenting become easier as your family relationships grow stronger and deeper.