What is more valuable- getting your way or having a strong relationship?
Often in parenting we find ourselves in a battle of wills…
We want bedtime at 8pm sharp
We want the laundry to be put away in certain drawers
We want our kids to respond a certain way when someone compliments them
How many times does your child say or do things differently than how you want? 80% of the time? 50%??
How do you respond when your child goes outside your lines and does something out of their own will? Are you angry? Loud? Authoritative?
Parents, your child’s heart is more important - simple as that. The next time you find yourself in a battle of wills…
Stop and breathe.
Assess yourself.
Invite God in and ask for help.
Do what HE says.
We promise your relationships will strengthen when you release your expectations and allow God to parent your child (through you).