
Answer the Little Questions

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Are your kids filled with a million questions? Do they ask them all day, every day—constantly seeking to understand the why, what, and how?

As parents, we have the opportunity to answer their questions. By choosing to respond (and not get frustrated), two very important things happen with our kids:

1. Our kids can better understand the world around them. Their brains are constantly developing, learning more and more every day. When we come alongside them and provide answers, it not only supports their brain development but also helps shape their worldview.

2. We build a foundation of trust with our kids. When they’re high schoolers, then college students, and eventually adults, they’ll still have questions about the world, how it works, and where they fit in. If we take the time now to answer their questions and encourage their curiosity, they’ll be more likely to come back to us for guidance as they grow older.

So today, instead of feeling annoyed by the flood of questions coming your way...

Slow down.

Take time to listen.

...and remember, you’re shaping their worldview and building trust!