“Are you kidding me? I would never train my kid to be a liar. “
I didn’t say you were doing it intentionally :)
Our children want our approval so bad.
And not just at the younger ages.
Older kids may not show it as much and they may have learned to harden themselves to not getting it, but the desire for parent approval is hard-wired by God into the soul of our kids.
And often when that child is not getting that approval they resort to many different schemes to get it:
They badmouth their sibling.
They hide their mistakes.
They blame it on someone else.
And yes, they lie.
How can we minimize lying?
By letting our children know things like:
Mistakes are ok, especially when they have given their best.
Your love for them is not based on their performance.
You think they are amazing.
A child who does not feel treasured hides and lies.
A child who is adored will feel the safety to be truthful.