
How to Parent Together

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Do you struggle with parenting differences with your spouse? Are you the one who disciplines more than they do? Or do you think your spouse is too angry, and you have to compensate for them?

Here's some help!

First, realize that you and your spouse are different, and your goal is not to make them like you. Your goal is to help them become the best version of themselves. God designed each of you differently so you could both bring your strengths to the family.

So how do you parent together if you are different? It's a great question!

You agree on values instead of methods. What is a value? Simply something that is important to you. For example, a value could be that we want our kids to love Jesus or be hard workers.

Agree on the values and then allow your spouse to implement that value in their own way. Maybe you want to talk about Jesus more with your kids, and your spouse wants to memorize Scripture with them. Allow for different parenting styles while you focus on shared values.

That doesn't mean you never discuss parenting methods. If a spouse is yelling a lot at your children, that needs to be addressed. But when you focus more on values and on helping each other be their best, you will agree with each other more and parent together better.

The key is respecting your differences, agreeing on core values, and supporting each other's unique approaches to instilling those values in your children.