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Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
One of our major jobs as parents is to make sure our kids don’t lose heart. The world is going to shoot arrows into our kids and wound them so that their hearts are damaged. The world is going to tell them they are not pretty enough, smart enough, athletic enough. So often parents – most often unknowingly -- are adding more to the wounds than they are healing them by adding to the “not enough” noise in their lives.
We need to be different. We need to be parents that heal our kids’ hearts and help them to guard their heart and to live their best story.
How do we do that? Some suggestions:
Think of your child’s heart as a garden that needs to be tended every day. When we tend that garden well, the plants in the garden will flourish. When we don’t pay close attention to the garden, the weeds of the world will come and choke out those plants, taking away the vital nutrients they need to grow.
How are you inspiring and tending and guarding the hearts of your children? Ask the Holy Spirit today to show you an insight into inspiring your child’s heart and then take a step toward doing what He suggests.