A friend of mine told me the story of his mother and how her faith saved their family. The father was a successful businessman and tried in his own way to be a good dad, but business interests and money and alcohol made him absent and when he was there, not the best role model.
But the mom was a saint. Every day, every month, and every year she fought for her family. She had two boys, and she did all she could to have them in church, to support them in their activities and, most of all, to show them the love of Jesus. She really didn’t do anything special unless you call special walking with Jesus and encouraging her boys – and her husband – to do the same.
So fast forward to today. Her husband has passed away, but late in life before He died, He gave his life to Jesus and started living differently. I don’t know loves Jesus more, the mom or the boys. It’s a close race, but let’s just say those boys have a lot of love in their lives for their mom and for Jesus – all because their mom kept the faith.
I know there are a lot of moms out there keeping faith in and for their families. We don’t know what is going to happen with those around us. But we know God calls each one of us to be faithful. If you are that spouse who is in a difficult marriage or your spouse is not interested in the things of God and family, don’t lose hope. There is hope for your spouse and hope for your family! God is good and He is big!