“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” Matthew 16:18
The church. The only institution specifically built by Jesus.
Question for you: Are you involved in a local church? Is your family involved in the rock built by Jesus for your benefit?
In this day when the church is maligned – often with good reason – it is still true that Jesus loves the church that He built, and He wants us to be a part of His church.
We have had the blessing of being involved in the same local church for over thirty years. We have baptized all our kids there, been discipled there by so many people there, made so, so many friends there. Our local church has been super impactful in our lives.
If your family is not involved in a local church, why not let a Christmas service be your new beginning? What if 2024 ended with by choosing a local church to visit this Christmas and then really trying it out in 2025?
If you are local to the DFW area, we would love to invite you to our church. Just go to https://valleycreek.org and hit the Christmas service button at the top of the page.
If you are attending a local church, maybe this is the year your family gets more involved. What if you served in children’s ministry? What if your kids got involved in the youth program? Maybe you and your teenage son/daughter became greeters. What is God saying to you about partnering your family with the local church in 2025?
Go enjoy a Christmas service with your family and as you do, see where the Lord leads with your family and the church in 2025!