“Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, ‘Did God really say, “You must not eat from any tree in the garden”?’” (NIV Genesis 3:1)
When the devil approached Eve in the garden, he came not with threats or overt actions but with a question—an idea designed to sow doubt in her mind. His purpose was clear: to make her question God’s goodness, to suggest that perhaps God was holding out on her.
Eve entertained that doubt, and it led her to make a choice that changed everything.
Just like with Eve, the real battle with our children isn't simply about their behavior; it's about the ideas and beliefs they hold in their minds. Consider these questions:
Belief—the acceptance of an idea—shapes behavior. Who our children believe themselves to be will determine how they act. Unfortunately, they are bombarded daily by negative ideas from the world around them, like:
So, how do we counteract this barrage? By intentionally planting positive, life-giving ideas in their hearts.
Speak life into them often. Remind them:
Let’s look back at that verse again. The serpent was crafty, using subtlety to steal and destroy through ideas. We must be even more crafty in a positive way, actively planting the truth of God into our children’s hearts. It’s our calling as parents to nurture and affirm their identities in Christ, countering the lies they hear with the truth of God’s Word. By doing so, we help them build a strong foundation of belief that will guide their behavior and choices for a lifet